School Social Work Service

School Social Work Service


  • Individual counseling for students and consultation service: free of charge
  • Group and Activity: Fee will be charged according to the nature of the group and activity


  • Individual counseling: in response to students' need
  • Group and Activity: depends on the scale of activity, please check with the school social workers

How to Apply

Individual Counseling for Students

Applicant: Students, teachers, students' parents and other professional organizations

Application procedures: Application could be made in person, through telephone or letter referral. School social workers will contact the referrer, the concerned student or parent within 10 working days in principle

Group and Activity:

School social workers will inform students or related service recipients about the details of the group/activity, e.g. application procedures and fee, etc.

Consultation Service:

Applicants can arrange interview or telephone contact with school social workers directly to acquire the consultation service

How to Terminate

Inform school social workers