Hung Wong Kar Gee Nursery School
Nursery School
Provide care and education services to children aged 2 to 6, prepares children to enter primary one.
Integrated Services
Provide special training programmes for mildly disabled children aged 2 to 6, and enhance their normal participation in mainstream.
Occasional Child Care Service
Provide full-day, half-day or two-hour sessions for children whose care-givers are unable to take care of them occasionally.
Extended Hours Service
Provide longer hours of child care assistance for working parents.
Scope of Services
Whole language approach, project approach, thematic approach and shared book approach are adopted for teaching and learning.
Activities are multifaceted to foster development of children's social, intellectual, emotional, language, arts and creative and physical abilities.
Child care support provided to parents through parental talks, workshops and hotlines.