Lee Yen & Lee Yuk Lun, BBS, JP, Father & Son Lohas Villa
31 residential places (19 male and 12 female places)
How to Apply
Applications can be made through Family Services Centres of Social Welfare Department, special schools, medical social service department, social services organizations or other rehabilitation organizations. All referrals are channeled through the Central Referral System for Disabled Adults of the Social Welfare Department.
How to Terminate
With respect to the need of the residents, either the residents himself/ herself, his/her family/ guardian or the Hostel can arrange for the termination of service after going through a process of communication, involving prudent consideration among the parties concerned;
If resident choose to terminate, please give one month’s notice for arrangement of discharge procedure;
If the notice period is less than one month, the resident should pay one month rental in lieu of notice period;
In case the resident fails to adjust to hostel living, or display serious violence or aggression, the Supported Hostel reserve the right for terminating the service to the resident and the hostel fee will be refund on pro-rata basis.