Our Services >
Rehabilitation Services >
Hostels for the Moderately Mentally Handicapped >
Wong Cho Tong Hostel
Service Description
- Accommodation and meals
- Maintenance programmes of self-care skill
- Daily living skill training
- Social and recreational programme for members and their families
- Counseling service
- Health care service and therapeutic service
- Value-added service including residential respite service and rehab-aid lending service.
Hostel Service
- The hostel provides residential care service with quality.
- Hostel's nurses and health worker provide professional nursing care for members. Visiting Medical Officer Scheme provides medical consultation service for members in need.
- In order to promote the development of members in different aspects, varies kind of social and life skill training are provided to members, including self-care skills, independent living skills, computer usage, work conducts and well-use of leisure life,etc.
- Recreational and social activities are organized including volunteer group, social group, lion-dance group, dancing group, etc. Indoor and outdoor activities will be organized in order to enrich members' social life.
- Counseling service and emotional support will be provided for members and their relatives in need.
- Gathering with members' families will be organized regularly in order to promote their participation in center's services and activities. Collaboration between staffs and members' relatives is promoted which aims to provide holistic care services for members.
Residential Respite Service
Residential respite service with its aims to provide family members/carers of people with mild to moderate grade intellectual disabled a planned short break (not more than 14 days in a row) so that they may attend to their personal business; and to support families with immediate and emergency needs