Our Services >
Rehabilitation Services >
Hostels for the Moderately Mentally Handicapped >
Hung Fuk Hostel
In accordance with the rate set by the Social Welfare Department. Other charges and program fee will be collected on need basis.
Hostel: 50 places (25 male and 25 female)
Residential respite service: 3 places (casual vacancy)
How to apply
Hostel service: Referrals can be made by school social workers, medical social workers, family caseworkers and staff of rehabilitation service units to the Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services, Social Welfare Department, with the provision of medical examination report.
Residential respite service: Applicant can apply in person or referred by social worker, with the provision of Chest X-ray report conducted within 6 months.
How to Terminate
- Service users can apply self-withdrawal when the services no longer to meet their needs
- Service users' family members or guardian are able to propose withdrawal of service. Social worker will conduct a case conference with service users and their family members or guardian for further arrangement or referrals to meet the needs of service users.
- Service users can apply self-withdrawal at any time, but the fee will not be refunded.
- For service users who have difficulties in adaptation, demonstrated an uncontrollable or violent behaviour, the centre can terminate the service and service fee will be refunded in proportion.