Chun Tei Kok Buddhist Association Limited Centre of Life Enlightening (Endless Care Services)
The Endless Care Services provides the following services:
- Bereavement Support Services for Newly Bereaved Persons
- Plan Ahead Funeral Arrangement
- Tenancy Management for Senior-owner Occupiers
- “Life Ambassador” Volunteer Training and Service
- Researches and Publications Role of Funeral Support Service in Facilitating Bereavement Adjustment: An Evaluation Study on Be-with Bereavement Support Service for Newly Bereaved Persons in Hong Kong Final Report 2021
By offering funeral consultation, companionship and emotional support to the bereaved persons, the Service aims to relieve their stress and grief arising from the implementation of funeral affairs, assisting them to adapt to the new life.
To provide the childless elderly singletons, elderly couples and terminally-ill patients with pre-funeral service planning and community resources. The Service would handle their funerals according to their will after they pass away.
The project assists the elderly to renovate and rent out their own property. Rental incomes generated monthly will then support their long term care and late life expenses after they are admitted to nursing home facilities.
The scheme recruits people who are passionate in supporting the elderly at their late life and providing hospice service. Upon completion of training, volunteers can participate in voluntary work according to their preferences and experiences such as providing support to the bereaved in handling funeral affairs, home visiting the elderly singletons and assisting in life-and-death education activities.
Report on Development and Evaluation of a Board Game for Promoting Advance Care Planning in the Chinese Community
Evaluation Report on Community Palliative Care Support Project
A Survey of Elderly Mental Health in Hong Kong Final Report 2019
A Study on Assessing and Enhancing Spirituality among Elders in Hong Kong and Shanghai
Funeral Planning Guide
Spirituality Vitalizer: Intervention Manual for Professionals
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Volunteer-Assist Self-Help Intervention in Enhancing the Spiritual Well-being of Elders
Fuk Lok Mum Sam Chinese Elderly Spiritual Enhancement Therapy Group Manual
Fuk Lok Mum Sam Baat Dyum Gam Self-help Manual and mobile application