Vision and Mission
Through a total of 86 service units providing children and youth services, specialized counselling as well as family services, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals is committed to promote child, youth development and family well-being.
Residential Child Care Services
Through the operation of small group homes, foster care service and girls’ hostel, home care, counselling, therapeutic groups, career guidance and social development activities for users ranging from new-born babies to teenagers up to 18 years old with inadequate family care and for girls aged from 12 to 21 with emotional and behavioral problems are provided under our residential child care services.
Nursery Schools and Child Development Centre
Nursery Schools provide day care services for children from new-born to 6 years old. It also provides occasional child care programmes for families with temporary or urgent needs, integrated programmes for pre-school handicapped children and extended hour services for children with parents having to work for long hours.
Child Development Centre provides training programmes to handicapped pre-school children supplemented by parent education programmes.
Student Guidance and School Social Work Services
Offers stationing school social workers to primary and secondary schools to provide developmental programmes for the whole person development of young people and provide individual and group counselling to students in need.
Launch “Understanding Adolescents Project” and “School-based After School Learning and Support Programme” to support students at risk or with special needs.
Integrated Services Centres and Family Services
Integrated Services Centres provide individual and group counselling, leadership training, developmental and supportive services as well as career counselling and employment assistance services for the holistic development of young people aged from 6 to 24 and families, in particular those in disadvantaged circumstances.
Family Services, which include Tung Wah Cares Hotline, Tung Wah Child Care Hotline, CEASE Crisis Centre, Hotline and Outreaching Service Team, Parent-child Interaction Therapy, Centre on Family Development and Specialized Counselling and Clinical Psychology Service, provide hotline counselling, crisis intervention and support, individual and group counselling as well as clinical assessment and treatment to individuals and families in need.
Addiction Counseling and Treatment Services
Provide a spectrum of addiction prevention and treatment services for individuals and families who are being affected by substance abuses and behavioral addictions through the following services:
CROSS Centre – Counselling Centre for Psychotropic Substance Abusers
Healthy Budgeting Family Debt Counselling Centre
Even Centre – Counselling and Treatment Services for Problem and Pathological Gamblers
Integrated Centre on Smoking Cessation
Alcoholic Treatment Project
“Say No to Cyber Addiction” Project