Mission & Core Values


Enable the elders to lead a fulfilling life with dignity and happiness through a wide spectrum of quality services.

Core Values


We affirm the dignity and uniqueness of every individual service user. Each service user has his/her intrinsic values and potential. Their rights and needs should be respected.

Holistic Care

We are committed to meeting the physiological, psychological, social and spiritual needs of the service users in a safe and caring environment.


We continuously strive to respond to the changing needs of our service users as well as gaps in existing services and try innovative approaches to meet these needs effectively.

User participation

We encourage participation of the service users in service planning, delivery and evaluation and strive to meet their expectations.


We strive for competence, integrity and professionalism from our committed colleagues.


We evaluate our services objectively through conducting continuous assessment, study, research and clinical observations to ensure the achievement of service effectiveness and efficiency.


We are accountable for the well utilization of public resources entrusted to us and are open to public enquiry on our services.

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Community Support Services

“Healthy Ageing” and “Ageing in Place” are the main concerns of our community support services. We encourage elders to develop healthy and balanced life, make good use of their leisure time, and participate actively in different activities to develop their potentials to the fullest. Besides, to actualize the concept of “Ageing in Place”, we provide home care services, nursing and rehabilitation services to assist the needy elders and their families living in the community. With 41 different types of community support services centres, we strive to provide a wide spectrum of quality services to our elders.

  • District Elderly Community Centre Service and Neighbourhood Elderly Centre
  • Day Care Centre for the Elderly Service
  • Integrated Home Care Services
  • Enhanced Home and Community Care Services
  • Specialized Services

Residential Services

"Holistic Care" and "Continuum of Care" are the key focus of our residential care services. Through different types of residential care service which run by our 25 elderly homes and multi-disciplinary staff teams, we provide quality and comprehensive care and rehabilitation services to those elders in need to enable them to enjoy their old age.

  • Care and Attention Home Providing Continuum of Care Service
  • Conversion Homes Providing Continuum of Care
  • Residential Care Home for the Elderly Service
  • Infirmary Service
  • Emergency Placement in Residential Care Homes for the Elderly and Residential Respite Service for Elders


Service Pamphlet

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東華三院自1870 年成立以來,一直秉承「救病拯危、安老復康、興學育才、扶幼導青」的使命和承諾,時至今日,已發展成為全港歷史最悠久及規模最大的慈善服務機構。在過去逾百五年,東華三院在醫療、教育、社會、歷史文化保育及公共服務方面均有長足發展,迎合社會需求,為市民提供收費低廉或免費的優質服務。現時東華三院共有380 個服務單位,包括5 間醫院、 37 個中西醫療衞生服務單位及1 個社區藥房、 60 個教育服務單位、 246 個安老、青少年及家庭、復康及社會企業 /創新的社會服務單位, 3 個過渡性房屋計劃、 1 個地理空間實驗室 (營運伙伴 )、 1 個回收便利點、兩個肩負守護和保育本地歷史文化重任的服務單位,分別為東華三院文物館和東華三院何超蕸檔案及文物中心,以及24 個提供殯葬及廟祀服務的公共服務單位。

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