Rehabilitation Services
- Opening Ceremony cum Carnival of 'Awareness Week in Specific Learning Disabilities 2012'Enlisting Community Support to Help Needy Children Against Challenges and Seizing Opportunities Ahead
- Charity Auction for "i'mperfcet" Art Development Programme for Artists with Disabilities
- “Life Review, a beautiful Gift of Life for everyone” book set is now on sale.
- Art Performance of Tung Wah i-dArt x Tung Wah iBakery
- TWGHs 'Radio-I-Care'Online Radio Station Presentsthe 'Tram and Classic Car Parade cum Carnival 2012' With Experts and Celebrities Promoting Positive Thinking and Showing the Ways Out in Stressful Life
- TWGHs Radio iCare invites you to attend "Trams and Classic Car Tour" cum Carnival on 12 May 2012
- TWGHs iRadio through "A simple Life" to reflect on how we face our senior generation
- TWGHs Jockey Club Rehabilitation Complex organizes Workshop on Orff Music Teaching Method & Taiwan Angel Percussion Team Concert
- Research proves that a new therapy is effective in improving the mobility of stroke patients
- TWGHs i-dArt presents "Fusion of Love-Start from Our Home"exhibition
- TWGHs iRadio, The HK College of Psychiatrists, Rotary Club of Peninsula and 818 Photography Club organize photography competition for ex-mentally ill people
- Tung Wah organizes Hong Kong’s largest special marathon. Over 1,600 disabled athletes and pair-up runners join “i-Run – Hong Kong Jockey Club Special Marathon 2012”
- TWGHs invites ex-mentally Ill persons and the youth to perform
- TWGHs iRadio, The HK College of Psychiatrists, Rotary Club of Peninsula and 818 Photography Club organize photography workshop for ex-mentally ill people
- TWGHs "Echoes of A Drum" will be held on 20 January 2012